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Defining purpose and getting the point across

This session focused on how to effectively communicate my Thesis project, understanding it and breaking it down into manageable information chunks for sharing in publications and online.

We focused on messaging, what exactly the project message is and the best ways to share that message.

How would I explain the project in…

The first exercise focused on helping us narrow and trim down the core context of our project so that we could explain it really quickly, like an elevator pitch.

In a paragraph:

  • Our project melds open-source hardware and AI to transform how individuals in first-world economies manage energy consumption. Utilizing a user-friendly, Arduino-based monitor and an engaging AI interface, users gain deep insights into their energy use, fostering a proactive approach to sustainability. The AI dialogues with users, offering personalized tips to reduce energy without sacrificing comfort. Aimed at empowering users towards the 2000-watt society goal, our initiative is a step toward lessening global emissions and supporting the transition to renewable energy. Through accessible technology and interactive education, we’re not just changing habits; we’re cultivating a community committed to a sustainable future.

In 16 words:

  • “Empowering sustainable living by monitoring and optimizing energy use with AI and open-source hardware.”

In 8 words:

  • “AI and hardware optimize energy for sustainable living.”

A deeper message…

The following exercise was something I found really useful, Pablo gave us a unique custom prompt for ChatGPT, designed to help craft the basis of a compelling narrative, a detailed description of the project and a purpose statement after asking you a series of questions. Naturally the more you give it in your answers the better the output will be and it’s definitely something that I found incredibly helpful and am absolutely going to keep using in the future. We then placed the output of the conversation in a really helpful project positioning chart in Miro, that helps you visualise all that output in a really easy and digestible way.

below you can find the original prompt if you’d like to try it out yourself, and then the output of my conversation with the model.

Original Prompt:

“I have a design/innovation project that I want you to help me to describe more compellingly.

I want you to ask me five questions about my project that can help you in this process, each question should be on a different message, and you should wait for me to answer before jumping into the next question.

The final definition of the project should be no longer than 1000 words and it has to be written in a friendly and easy-to-understand language.

After having the project definition, you will help me to define my project purpose, based on the golden circle of Simon Sinek. Star asks about “What” the project does, then “How” the project does it, and lastly “Why?” the project does it.

Ask me questions related to this method to get more information about my answers, and the final outcome should be a purpose definition no longer than a tweet.”

Final Output:

project positioning board

The final output of my back and forth with GPT 4 using the custom project description prompt, really helpful stuff!

Final Thoughts…

This first class was really helpful in setting a direction for the project and refresh the way I was thinking of the project, comparing my output with Carlotta’s was great as we were able to see in plain language what motivated each of us with this project and how we can further combine our desired outcomes.

I have no doubt that we are going to come back to this chart again later this term, as our project is still shifting a little. This is going to be instrumental in helping us to get the right message across for the basis of our project and I’m excited to continue further.